The policies and procedures outlined below hold jurisdiction over all Tennis Alberta events and protocols. They take priority over any external documents, including Tennis Canada’s Rules of the Court.
The Alberta Tennis Association By-Laws
The By-Laws of The Alberta Tennis Association (Tennis Alberta) outline our objectives and guide the operation of our organization. They cover areas such as organizational affiliations, board member elections, general meetings, player conditions, and the sanctioning of events. The current By-Laws were updated and approved by the membership on October 5, 2019.
Tennis Alberta Policy Manual
The Tennis Alberta policy manual outlines the jurisdiction Tennis Alberta has over disciplinary matters and the manner in which disciplinary functions are exercised and includes the following appendices (updated September 2023).
- Section 1: Board of Directors Code of Conduct
- Section 2: Appeal Process
- Section 3: Privacy Statement
- Section 4: Abuse and Harassment
- Section 5: Discipline and Complaints
- Section 6: Member Not in Good Standing Policy (updated Sept 2023)
- Section 7: Concussion Policy
- Section 8: Code of Conduct Policy for Parents (approved July 10, 2019)
The Tennis Alberta Code of Conduct pertains to all Tennis Alberta-sanctioned tournaments, as well as to players who represent Alberta at higher-level events within and outside the province. It is a valid reference for all games of tennis whether played competitively or recreationally.
This publication includes sections on Definitions, the Code of Conduct, Suspension Points, Disciplinary Procedures, and a Summary of General Tournament Regulations.
Every player (junior and adult) is responsible for knowing and understanding its contents.
Tennis Alberta’s Membership Terms and Conditions outline the terms for Adult, Junior, and Recreational memberships.
The Sports Safety initiative supports the Responsible Coaching Movement (RCM) initiated and coordinated by the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC). The goal is to create coach-led, athlete-focused, safe and fun sport environments for both players and coaches that reflect the values of excellence, professionalism, passion, service, and integrity. Tennis Alberta fully supports and complies with Tennis Canada’s Sport Safety Policies
Weather Advisory Guide
As per Tennis Alberta’s Junior, Adult and Masters Competitive Structures, relative to any sanctioned tournament format in Alberta, the Weather Advisory Guide is the standard for all sanctioned outdoor tournaments. This guideline, along with the competitive structure documents, gives Tournament Directors a structure to determine how to deal with rain, severe weather and air quality issues.
Tennis Alberta’s Club Code of Conduct outlines terms for both Full and Associate Member Clubs. Its purpose is to ensure a safe and positive environment for Tennis in Alberta. It also guides the Tennis Alberta/Club relationship in a manner that will encourage the growth and development of the sport.
Eligibility Policy
Tennis Alberta’s Eligibility Policy outlines the residency requirements for Junior athletes to play in Alberta’s Junior Provincial Championships.
Discipline and Complaints
Tennis Alberta has a duty to deal with all complaints and concerns against persons within its jurisdiction. Tennis Alberta members looking to file a formal complaint can do so by completing the form below. Complaints are reviewed and assessed according to Section 5 of the Policy Manual. It is the responsibility of the member to review the policy and understand what constitutes a reasonable complaint and the complaint process. Please complete this form accurately and provide as much detail as possible.