The Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars provides Canadians (ages 7 to 10) with an opportunity to play competitive tennis in a fun environment. Each year, thousands of boys and girls across the country participate in hundreds of events. Rising Stars tournaments are the perfect opportunity for young tennis players to improve their skills, build confidence, and make new friends. The Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars is designed to provide a tournament format for kids whereby they take part in multiple meaningful matches in a short block of time, making it convenient for families.

Getting Started 

Rogers First Set Tour – RISING STARS is for: 

How to join & find a tournament

To compete in Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars tournaments, players must be a registered member of Tennis Alberta. Once players purchase a Tennis Alberta membership, they must register for a specific tournament on the Tournament Software website. For a complete list of province-wide Rising Stars tournaments, click here.

Step 1: How to register for a Tennis Alberta membership*

To register please click here

*If players have participated in Rookie tournaments previously, they simply need to upgrade their membership type within the membership section

Step 2: How to register for a tournament 

Please review the Junior Competitive Structure for Rising Stars entry guidelines.
Please read the Tournament Regulations on Tournament page before entering.

What to Expect? 

Tournament Format  
The aim of Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars tournaments is to provide year-round quality match play opportunities for advanced U9/U10 junior tennis players. Rising Stars tournaments are recommended for players looking to take their first step along the competitive pathway. Take a look at the competition formats below to see how each age group’s matches are structured:

U9 – orange ball competition

U10 – green ball competition

Draw Format
Compass or round-robin draw format will be used to provide a minimum of three match opportunities to each player.

Match Format

Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars tournaments use modified scoring formats to provide a friendly introduction to competition and have matches completed in a shorter period of time. U9 and U10 events will use the scoring formats outlined below.

Tennis Event Rules

Tennis Event Rules

U9 Events U10 Events
8-game Pro Set (first to win 8 games with a margin of 2 games) or 45-minute timed match, whichever comes first. 8-game Pro Set (first to win 8 games with a margin of 2 games) or 45-minute timed match, whichever comes first.
A 5-point match tiebreak is played in lieu of a 3rd. A 5-point match tiebreak is played in lieu of a 3rd.
Play with no-ad scoring. Play with no-ad scoring.
Players do not call lets. Players do not call lets.

Competitors will receive a Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars prize when they play in their first event and fifth event throughout the calendar year.

To create a healthy and positive competitive environment, Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars leaderboards are designed to reward participation as well as performance. Points will be awarded as follows:

  1. Participation Points: Points are awarded for each tournament a player competes in (40 points per tournament played).
  2. Bonus Participation Points: One-time bonus points are awarded to players at the end of the year if they have played in 10 or more Rising Stars tournaments in the same age category (U9 or U10) (200 bonus participation points for playing 10 tournaments).
  3. Tournament Points: Points are awarded for wins and ties (10 points per match win).

Each province maintains four leaderboards: Boys U9, Girls U9, Boys U10, and Girls U10. At the end of the year, the top five players on each leaderboard are awarded prizes.

Fair play
Providing a competitive environment in which all matches are contested fairly is essential to ensuring a positive experience for all players. Everyone must work together to make this happen including Tennis Canada, provincial associations, players, parents, and officials.

Players are expected to follow these key Fair Play elements: 

Tennis Canada Rulebook: Rules of the Court 2024 – click here 
Players must adhere to Tennis Alberta’s Player Code of Conduct  – click here

Player & Parent Resources 

Parents are asked to be familiar with the information of the Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars and tournament regulations before signing up your child to a tournament. 

If you would like to provide feedback on the Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars, please take the time out to complete our survey. This short survey will take approximately five minutes to complete.

What’s the Next Step? 

Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars events are designed to prepare players for entering the U12 junior provincial competitive structure. 

To view the Whole Player Development Pathway (WPDP) click here.

For a complete overview of province-wide tournaments, consult our calendar.

To learn more about your province’s Junior Competitive Structure, click here.

If you have any further questions about the Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars, please email

Resources for Tournament Directors

For more information on hosting a Rogers First Set Tour – Rising Stars tournament at your club, please email

Rogers First Set Tour: Rising Stars

To create a healthy and positive competitive environment, the First Set Tour – Rising Stars leaderboards are designed to reward participation as opposed to winning. Points are awarded in different ways:

  • Participation Points – Players participating in the First Set Tour – Rising Stars will receive 40 points per tournament played towards their year-end total.
  • Bonus Participation Points – A one-time bonus of 200 points for 10 First Set Tour – Rising Stars tournaments played will be given at the end of the year. All bonus points will be awarded in December, following the completion of the Circuit.
  • Tournament Points – 10 points to one match win.

If you have any other questions or concerns regarding the First Set Tour – Rising Stars, please email