Dear Players,
Please note that the ITF is launching the new World Tennis Number (WTN) which aims to enhance the sport of Tennis in a number of different ways. More details about the ITF WTN can be found here https://www.worldtennisnumber.com/.
An important thing to note here is that the ITF will start using the new WTN as one of the criteria to enter ITF Tournaments in all categories (Juniors, Seniors, Wheelchair and Professional) in 2021.
For players to have the ITF WTN (at no cost to them) your provincial and national association will need to share your match play and identification data with the ITF. In case you do not wish to have this information shared, please opt-out of this service by logging on to your profile latest by Nov 30th , 2020. Learn exactly where this option can be found on your profile HERE.
For any additional information please contact your provincial association or send an email to tournaments@tenniscanada.com.