In response to a review of our operational processes, we are modifying the process by which Late Withdrawal/Failure to Complete (LW/FC) suspension points are appealed. The appeal of LW/FC suspension points falls under a distinct appeal process (outlined below) and is independent from the Tennis Alberta Appeal Policy for disciplinary cases.
Our full composite of trained staff in the office will now be managing the appeal process similar to other Provincial Tennis Associations. Appeals will be reviewed and decisions made by the Competitions Coordinator, supported by the Executive Director and the Technical Director.
The criteria outlined in Tennis Canada’s Rules of the Court still apply, and all of the existing Tennis Canada policies, which are available on the Tennis Alberta website, will be followed. The only exception that Tennis Alberta is introducing is allowing each individual LW/FC point to be appealed as it is awarded. Previously appeals could only be submitted after the third point has been delivered. All appeals must be submitted within 4 weeks of the LW/FC suspension point being awarded using the LW/FC suspension point form which is available under the Policies section of the Tennis Alberta website and also linked below.
Any supporting documentation that the appellant chooses to submit must accompany the initial appeal submission. If the supporting documentation is related to injury, the assessment must be completed by a registered health care professional within 4 weeks of the suspension point being awarded. Supporting documentation does not guarantee relief of LW/FC suspension points.
Decisions will be provided to the appellant approximately 4 weeks after submission of the appeal. All decisions are final and cannot be appealed.
Tennis Alberta reserves the right to delay a decision on an appeal of a single LW/FC suspension point, if there is a concern from the Association related to abuse of this process or policy. In these situations, Tennis Alberta will default to the Tennis Canada policy and will review the appeal only after the third LW/FC suspension point is awarded.