Tennis Alberta is hosting TWO Try Tennis workshops as part of the 107th Alberta OPEN . These workshops are for aspiring tennis athletes who have never tried the sport.

Try Tennis Adult

Try one of the fastest growing sports in Canada at the Try Tennis Adult (18+) workshop. In each 30-minute session participants will learn the basics of the game and have the chance to rally with one of the pros playing in the 107th Alberta OPEN. Stick around after the workshop, socialize with the other tennis newbies, and watch some top-tier Canadian tennis. Racquets are provided.

WHEN: Friday, July  26 | 5:30PM – 7:00PM
WHERE: UofA Outdoor Tennis Centre | 11731 51 Ave NW
COST: $5
WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable clothes and running shoes. (Equipment will be provided.)

Register for one of the following session:

6:30 -7:00PM

** NOTE: There is only space for 10 participants per session. 

This event runs as part of the 107th Alberta OPEN.  Stick around after the workshop and watch some top-level Canadian tennis. Food and drink will be available for purchase after the workshop.

Try Tennis Kids

Kids, try tennis!  Top tennis players from across Canada will introduce kids to the tennis in a fun, FREE one-hour workshop. Participants will learn the basics and volley with a player. This workshop is for kids ages 4-10.  Space is limited.

WHEN: Saturday, July  27 | 9AM – 10AM
WHERE: UofA Outdoor Tennis Centre | 11731 51 Ave NW, Edmonton
WHAT TO BRING: Comfortable clothes and running shoes. (Equipment will be provided.)

This event runs as part of the 107th Alberta OPEN.  Stick around after the workshop and watch some top-level Canadian tennis.

Please provide attendee information for each child you are registering. This workshop is intended for children who have never played tennis. 
