June 10, 2022 @ 2PM
Tennis Alberta is pleased to announce the 2022 AGM will be held online via Microsoft Teams.
If you have a club member serving on the Board of Directors, remember to have a separate club delegate attend. It is important that we have strong representation from the clubs as the decisions that are made at the AGM affect all members.The Board and Staff will be happy to answer any question you may have at the Annual General Meeting. We respectfully request that any major questions, concerns or suggestions be submitted in writing to the office a minimum of two weeks prior to the AGM.
Alan Mackin, Executive Director, will accept proxies no later than one week prior to the AGM, so you must file your proxies with him by latest June 3. If you have any questions regarding the AGM, please do not hesitate to contact the office. We look forward to seeing you on June 10, 2022.
RSVP BY MAY 27, 2022
Please phone 780.415.1661 or email admin@tennisalberta.com
Tennis Alberta is committed to a diverse, inclusive, and equitable environment where all board members, staff, volunteers, and members feel respected regardless of, age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, or education. Tennis Alberta actively encourages the application of women to the Board of Directors as the organization aspires to maintain a board with gender parity.
If you are interested in exploring this commitment further, please complete the nomination form and email to admin@tennisalberta.com by May 16, 2022.