Tennis Alberta has been actively engaged in lobbying and providing critical relaunch documentation for the sport, supplying protocols to the Government of Alberta and various municipalities.
Tennis Alberta has submitted documentation to the Minister of Health, the Chief Medical Officer, the Premier, the Minister of Economic Development, and the Minister of Culture, Multiculturalism and Status of Women. They have confirmed receipt of our relaunch plan and protocols, and are working to get back to us with an update.
The tennis relaunch document is available HERE.
(PLEASE NOTE: This protocol does not apply to the whole province. Each municipality is using this, and other Government of Alberta recommendations, to determine how best to reopen tennis courts, and keep its residence healthy and safe.)
Relaunch Updates around the Province:
- Medicine Hat relaunches May 15 with outdoor singles tennis
- Red Deer relaunches May 15 with outdoor singles tennis
- Lethbridge relaunches May 14 with outdoor tennis
- Edmonton relaunches May 15 with outdoor singles tennis for The Royal Glenora and The Derrick Club (Limited to Private Club only) Garneau Tennis and Beach Volleyball Club relaunches May 16.
Please check with your municipality regarding outdoor tennis facilities reopening.
In Edmonton, private clubs are opening on May 15th (The Royal Glenora and The Derrick Club). Public courts, most seasonal clubs and the University of Alberta are still closed. The University of Alberta anticipates reopening on Thursday, May 21.
The City of Edmonton’s Relaunch Task Force is still determining how best to move forward and has delayed an announcement. Tennis Alberta continues to provide the City of Edmonton with updates and supplemental information to help their Task Force, but they remain more conservative in their approach.
The City of Calgary has allowed outdoor single tennis since May 1, 2020.
If you are living in a municipality where you can get out on the court, please practice the safety tips and guidelines available HERE.
We will continue to advise and post announcements on social media, email, and online at: tennisalberta.com/covid-19-updates/