Tennis Alberta added three new seniors tournaments to the 2019 outdoor season, including the Capilano Masters which was held June 13-16 at the Capilano Tennis Club in Edmonton. It all went off without a hitch:
- Mother Nature actually cooperated (for a change) with sunny skies, slight breezes, and a well-timed light shower.
- Just 35 people took part. This turned out to be a good number for a well-paced weekend tournament.
- Round robins were played in 6 of the 7 events, with 3-5 people in each event. Only the Women’s Singles 45 was an elimination event with consolation, with 8 entries.
Photo above by Natalie Stinson. Carmen (energizer bunny) Sych at work, small but mighty.
Gillian Shea who won both the WS55 and WD45 events with national team member Jennifer Cherneski (first place WS45), commented on the benefits of playing competitive tennis as a senior:
Tennis is a wonderful sport for all ages. Through tennis you make lifelong friendships. It keeps your mind sharp as tennis is a strategic game. It builds strength and endurance and prolongs the body. Seniors tournaments allow you to play other people in your age group, and to socialize with other tennis-minded people.
Below, the women from the Royal Glenora Club were well-represented in the event.
Below, Men’s Doubles players (Lee and Dario came second, Rob and Luis came third), left to right: Luis Torres, Lee Abad, Rob Gravells, and Dario Haylalapit. Photo on right: best fans, supporters of Lee Abad and Dario Haylalapit.
Below, Sue Gilbertson and Carmen Sych (doubles partners, 3rd in WD45), with the fun and capable Capilano Tennis Club hosts, Head Pro Eric Kenneth and Assistant Pro, Hunter Mailo.
Below, the final Sunday was Father’s Day. Dad Paul Barrette (2nd place MS35) played 3 matches on Father’s Day. He was cheered on by Baby Ada (with her “Happy Father’s Day” t-shirt) and Mom Kayla.
Photos below: The dynamic tennis duo of Dave and Bonnie Crowther (Dave 1st place, MS55, and second place with Bonnie, XD35). Middle: Ding Zhang and Biyu Liang (3rd place XD35), and Joanne Vetsch and Andre Hoffmann (first place XD35). Far right: Keith Bienert and Stuart Shaw, first place MD35 and best matching doubles outfits.
Below, best t-shirt winners and peanut gallery, doubles partners Megan Ploit, and Dana Bouliane. The high-energy pair came second in WD45.
For full results read more here.
Winners and second place winners are:
MS 35. Vincent Leong and Paul Barrette
MD 35. Keith Bienert/Stuart Shaw, and Lee Abad/Dario Haylalapit
XD 35. Andre Hoffmann/Joanne Vetsch, and David Crowther/Bonnie Crowther
WS 45. Jennifer Cherneski and Samantha Bowker
WD 45. Jennifer Cherneski/Gillian Shea, and Dana Bouliane/Megan Ploit
WS 55. Gillian Shea and Carmen Sych
MS 55. David Crowther and Luis Torres
Don’t miss these upcoming seniors tournaments on the Tennis Alberta schedule:
- The St. Albert Senior Provincials, July 11-14
- The Garneau Masters, August 8-11
From an article written by Barry Hill in Fit After Fifty entitled “Injury Prevention for Senior Tennis Players” (Feb. 21, 2014) (Read more):
Three big injuries that occur in tennis are knee, shoulder, and elbow (tennis elbow) injuries. All three can be prevented with proper stretching, strength training, and technique. Here are some basic tips to help prevent injuries:
- Proper warm up
- Dynamic flexibility exercises before playing
- Proper shoes
- Proper string tension and grip
- Lower body strength training like squats and lunges to gain overall leg strength and help prevent knee injuries
- Appropriate injury prevention training focused on improving rotator cuff strength and appropriate shoulder function
- Core training to connect your lower body with upper body
- Proper technique prevents bad habits from forming on court
- Work with appropriated certified professionals who are trained in tennis specific performance enhancement and injury prevention (The International Tennis Performance Association certified professionals have appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities to work with tennis players effectively)
Do you have tennis stories, opinions, ideas or insight that you would like to share? Contact me at susan.wells@tennisalberta.com. Photo below by Magdalena Barry.