Recognizing the responsibility we all have in creating safe and respectful sport environments, Tennis Alberta promotes a community of respect in our sport. We have a duty to one another to ensure the atmosphere of play is welcoming to all athletes, coaches and referees.
Tennis Alberta has been made aware that during tournaments there have been inappropriate behaviours in the change room facilities. Tennis Alberta has a ZERO tolerance policy for abusive and disrespectful behaviour. No camera phones, cameras, video or picture taking of any kind is allowed in the venue dressing rooms or washrooms.
If you see any inappropriate behaviour, please report it to a tournament official, venue/ facility staff or directly to Tennis Alberta. Swift and stern action will be taken with any tournament competitor found participating in disrespectful behaviour towards fellow athletes. This may result in immediate expulsion from the tournament and the loss of the right or privilege to attend future Tennis Alberta/ Tennis Canada sanctioned programs and tournaments and may face charges.
Tennis Alberta encourages all tennis participants — parents, coaches and athletes — to review Tennis Alberta’s Code of Parent Conduct () and Tennis Canada’s Safe Sport Initiative as guiding documents for a respectful sport culture.